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Re: gdb has problems finding my sources (now with testcase)

On Wed, 2004-01-21 at 17:53, Tarjei Knapstad wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-01-21 at 16:12, Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
> > On Wed, Jan 21, 2004 at 03:09:13PM +0100, Tarjei Knapstad wrote:


> OK, I have just created a tiny KDevelop project, autoconf and all, which
> reproduces the problem exactly. The roughly 360kB tarball can be
> downloaded from:
> I made a KDevelop project to reproduce all compiler arguments etc.
> exactly - sorry about the size.
> Run configure in the gdbtest-0.1/ subdirectory with these arguments:
>    ./configure --with-extra-includes=../../../ --enable-debug=full

I've done some more testing, and the relative include path seems to be
the problem. If I use --with-extra-includes=/full/path/to/header instead
it works flawlessly. I noticed the new ongoing thread about absolute
source file paths which may be related to this. 

Is there any argument I can give gdb that will make it accept relative
paths? The reason for using relative paths is because this is usually
set from within KDevelop, and the KDevelop project file lives in CVS. I
would like to avoid having /home/joesixpack paths in this file as it
would mean every developer would have to change this manually at every


Tarjei Knapstad

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