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Re: GDB's mascot?

Andrew Cagney <> writes:

> So,
> GDB needs a mascot for its new improved, comming to a web site near
> you, ... web pages.  Any idea's?  Someone long in the tooth remember
> if there was once a mascot?
> The only thing I know is that there is something of a tradition
> (within old Cygnus at least) of naming people that worked on GDB and
> even various gdb projects after fish (flathead, kod, carp, ...).

How bout one of those poisonous fish various places serve where if they don't cut it just
right, you'll end up getting the wrong part and dying?
That reminds of gdb development for some reason.

> 	Andrew
> A few suggestions:

"I'm kinda tired.  I was up all night trying to round off
infinity.  Then I got bored and went out and painted passing
lines on curved roads.
"-Steven Wright

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