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GDB snapshot changes

[Sorry for the cross post.  Please set followups to]


Firstly, I'm pleased to report that nightly snapshots appear to be
working reliably.  See the directory:
For those that are curious, ``-D'' is used so that while each snapshot
is created during the afternoon, it contains the sources from exactly
``00:00 GMT'' each morning.

Secondly, as part of this revamp I've changed what is created.  Instead
of a plithera of snapshots and diffs (gdb, insight, dejagnu,
gdb+dejagnu, insight+deajgnu), I'm now only creating snapshots and diffs

and	insight+dejagnu

The rationale for these changes are:

	o	People using snapshots probably
		want to put GDB through its
		testsuite before using it...

		To do this reliably, a synchronized
		gdb and dejagnu are needed.
		Combining the two into a single
		snapshot should simplify this.

	o	It reduces greatly the total
		amount of data being shaddowed
		by remote sites.

Finally, I've seen a request for md5 or brik checksums of all files.
I've added that to my list of things to do.

If people have comments or objections, please let me know.


PS: For what its worth, for many years I was dependant on the nightly
snapshots.  One frustration I found was the constant need to
download/apply/merge both gdb and dejagnu diffs.  Having dejagnu bundled
in with gdb, I think, is much easier.  Hopefully others will agree :-)

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