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Finding a Source File


I'm trying to set a breakpoint in a file that is indirectly
included in my project.  When I try to set a breakpoint
on it, the following message occurs:

No source file named MismatchedTokenException.cpp.

The file lives in a separate tree which contains various support
routines.  I've added to my path the location of the file, but
that didn't work.  

Any ideas??

     |          |      Cisco Systems, Inc.     Tennis Smith
    |||        |||     170 West Tasman Drive   Software Engineer
   |||||      |||||    San Jose, CA 95134-1706 Test Technology
.:|||||||:..:|||||||:. Phone: (408) 527-4424
                       Fax:   (408) 527-6245
  Cisco Systems Inc.                           Pager: 1-800-796-7363
                       "Yes, it's my real name..."     PIN# 101-0528

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