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Re: GDB 9.1 release 2019-12-23 update

>>>>> "Andrew" == Andrew Burgess <> writes:

Andrew> That said, I had a look at the code in question and I suspect the
Andrew> warning is incorrect, unless I'm missing some clever C++ corner case,
Andrew> which is quite possible. So, we have one of these:

Andrew>   gdb::optional<ui_out_emit_list> asm_list;

Andrew> The "uninitialised" variable is a member of the ui_out_emit_list,
Andrew> being used during its destructor.  But the destructor is only called
Andrew> if the ui_out_emit_list is initialised, which requires the member
Andrew> variable to be set....

Andrew> Currently I would be happy to release with the warning present.

You didn't miss anything.  This is just a bug in gcc (IMO).
There's a discussion here:


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