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Re: [RFC] Do we need to support PIE + stabs?

>>>>> "Tom" == Tom de Vries <> writes:

>> Do we need to support PIE + stabs?  Can we just declare stabs as mostly
>> dead and ignore this instead?  On the whole that would be my preference,
>> if it's possible, because in my view this more closely mirrors
>> reality...  my understanding is that, last time anybody checked, stabs
>> were still used by a few programs in a typical distro (for some unknown
>> reason), but otherwise they are just totally obsolete.

Tom> I don't know the answer to that, and I think it's a question broader
Tom> than suggested by the current subject, so, promoting the question to the
Tom> subject.

No-one has answered yet...

I still think the answer is "no" for the reasons outlined above.


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