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Gerrit can receive and parse emails now


Just a heads up that I've enabled gerrit's feature which allows it to
receive and parse e-mails.  Unfortunately, in order for it to work, it
is necessary to include all of that "junk" in the footer, otherwise the
parser cannot know which change the comment refers to.

Another thing to notice is that we should only reply to the email in the
Reply-To field.  Most MUAs will DTRT, but some of them may include other
emails (like the ones in the Cc field) in the reply, which is not a big
problem, but will cause message duplication.  This is because when
gerrit receives and parses the reply, it will automatically notify the
interested parties.

I'm still making a few minor adjustments, but things should work when
you reply to messages received from now on.  Bear in mind that this will
not work for previous messages, because the Reply-To field is obviously
not correct in them.

Let me know what you think.


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