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Re: [RFC PATCH] Support debuginfo and source file fetching via debuginfo server

>>>>> "Christian" == Christian Biesinger via gdb-patches <> writes:

>> Debuginfo server is a lightweight web service that indexes debuginfo
>> and source files by build-id and serves them over HTTP. 

Christian> You wrote that the debuginfo server will download symbols over HTTP.
Christian> Does that mean that this call to dbgserver_find_debuginfo will block
Christian> as it downloads the file? (will ctrl+c work as it does that?)

The control-c question is a good one -- I'd also like to know the
answer.  Most things in gdb are interruptible this way.

Christian> If so, any way to do this download on a background thread?

I think gdb can't support this without some additional re-architecting.
It's a good goal, but I think I would not require it in order to get the
patch in.


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