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Re: [PATCH v2] gdb: CTF support

On 2019-09-24 8:22 p.m., Weimin Pan wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> I have created a combined branch with changes in both binutils and gdb
> on our server and tested it a bit. Trying to send it upstream doesn't work:
> % git remote -v
> origin  git:// (fetch)
> origin  git:// (push)
> upstream        ssh:// (fetch)
> upstream        ssh:// (push)
> % git push upstream oracle/ctf:oracle/ctf
> Permission denied (publickey).
> fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
> Please make sure you have the correct access rights
> and the repository exists.
> %
> Weimin

Hi Weimin,

You should be able to push a "user branch" if its name follows the
form "users/*".  You can look at the existing branches for example:;a=heads

So, pushing to "users/weimin/ctf" would make sense.


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