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Re: [PATCH v2 0/2] MI: Add new command -complete

>>>>> "Jan" == Jan Vrany <> writes:

Jan> respond with something like (proposed change):

Jan> -complete "br m"
Jan> =^done,text="br m",common="a",matches=["in", "dvise"]

Jan> The rarionale is that frontend most likely needs these three
Jan> values anyway to implement completion. It can, indeed compute
Jan> them from full list as returned now, but GDB has these values
Jan> already so it would save the frontend doing the same work again. 

Jan> OTOH, current output is more on par with CLI command output. 

Jan> What do you think? 

I think if this form seems more useful to MI users, then it's fine to
implement it.  I would say this is more important than making it similar
to the CLI.


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