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Re: [PATCH] More Solaris procfs cleanup

On Wed, 19 Sep 2018 17:05:06 +0200
Rainer Orth <ro@CeBiTec.Uni-Bielefeld.DE> wrote:

> This procfs.c (and friends) cleanup patch grew along a couple of lines:
> * First I noticed that PR_MODEL_NATIVE is always defined now that
>   Solaris 10 is the minimum supported version.
> * Then there was a cleanup that I'd missed when removing support for
>   !NEW_PROC_API, IRIX, and Tru64 UNIX: given that sysset_t is no longer
>   dynamic, there's no need for the special sysset_t_alloc, but we can
>   just use XNEW instead.
> * Then I found one of those ARI warning mails on gdb-patches, discovered
>   how to run it myself and fixed a large number of the warnings, among
>   them all uses of sprintf.
>   I had to silence the warnings in only 3 instances of the same issue,
>   namely references to LDT in function names which are due to the
>   libthread_db API.
> * Even so, there were several formatting glitches, like braces around
>   single statements in an if, which I chose to fix while I was at it.
> The result has been tested on amd64-pc-solaris2.11 and
> amd64-pc-solaris2.11.  Ok for master?

This is okay.

Thanks for doing this cleanup.


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