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Re: [RFA] arm-pikeos: software single step

> Almost.  GDB can't trust "vCont;c;C" alone, because for a long
> while GDBserver would send "vCont;c;s;C;S" even if the target
> did not support hardware stepping.  So what a stub needs to do
> is:
> Return "vCont;c;C" to "vCont?" _AND_ include "vContSupported"
> in the reported "qSupported" features.  The latter tells GDB
> to trust that the actions included in "vCont?" are really the
> supported ones.  (I wish we had implemented this a little bit
> differently, but that ship has sailed, and although a bit
> cumbersome, it works.)

Excellent. I've passed that information in what is hopefully
a concise and clear message that JeromeG can pass to Sysgo.
Hopefully something will come out of it.

Thanks Pedro!


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