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RFC: gdb-7.12 timeframe?


It's been almost 6 months since we started our previous release
cycle, so now is a good time to consider whether or not we feel
we have enough goodies to start a new process.

We have two questions to answer:

  1. When to start the process (ie stabilize master and create
     the release branch);

  2. What timeframe to shoot for in terms of the 7.12 release.

The part that worries me is that we're about to enter the month
of Aug, which is traditionally a very slow month due to summer

What I would like to propose is we try to create the branch soon.
This means we make a call for blocking issues before the branch
is created, and create the branch, say, one week from now.
Issue a first pre-release then.

Meanwhile, we can try fixing all reported issues that were found
and deemed blocking for the release. To avoid having some issues
being reported too late, I propose we wait for September to make
our the 7.12 release. If necessary, we can make a second pre-release
early september.



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