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New ARI warning Sat Aug 8 01:54:11 UTC 2015

< gdb/infrun.c:3124: deprecated: deprecated target_wait_hook: Do not use deprecated target_wait_hook, see declaration for details
gdb/infrun.c:3124:      if (deprecated_target_wait_hook)
< gdb/infrun.c:3125: deprecated: deprecated target_wait_hook: Do not use deprecated target_wait_hook, see declaration for details
gdb/infrun.c:3125:	ecs->ptid = deprecated_target_wait_hook (pid_ptid, &ecs->ws, 0);
> gdb/infrun.c:1863: gettext: trailing new line: A message should not have a trailing new line
gdb/infrun.c:1863:	  warning (_("disabling displaced stepping: %s\n"),
> gdb/infrun.c:2359: gettext: trailing new line: A message should not have a trailing new line
gdb/infrun.c:2359:	  warning (_("Couldn't deliver signal %s to %s.\n"),
> gdb/infrun.c:3078: gettext: _ markup: All messages should be marked up with _.
gdb/infrun.c:3078:	    error ("Command aborted.");
> gdb/infrun.c:3088: gettext: _ markup: All messages should be marked up with _.
gdb/infrun.c:3088:	error ("Command aborted.");
< gdb/language.c:135: code: OP eol: Do not use &&, or || at the end of a line
gdb/language.c:135:      language_mode == language_mode_manual &&
< gdb/language.c:394: code: OP eol: Do not use &&, or || at the end of a line
gdb/language.c:394:  return TYPE_CODE (type) == TYPE_CODE_PTR ||
< gdb/stack.c:2568: deprecated: deprecated safe_get_selected_frame: Do not use deprecated safe_get_selected_frame, see declaration for details
gdb/stack.c:2568:  struct frame_info *frame = deprecated_safe_get_selected_frame ();

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