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Re: [PATCH] Increase timeout in watch-bitfields.exp for software watchpoint

Pedro Alves <> writes:

>>  # Check that -location watchpoints against bitfields trigger properly.
>>  proc test_watch_location {} {
>> +    global timeout
>> +
> Why did you need this?

Because the initial implementation is not to use with_timeout_factor,
and save/restore timeout directly as what the old code does.  After I
read the mail archive, I decide to factor code out into proc
with_timeout_factor, but forget to remove "global timeout".

>> +# Run tests in BODY with timeout increased by factor of FACTOR.  When
>> +# BODY is finished, restore timeout.
>> +
>> +proc with_timeout_factor { factor body } {
>> +    global timeout
>> +
>> +    set savedtimeout $timeout
>> +    if { [target_info exists gdb,timeout]
>> +	 && $timeout < [target_info gdb,timeout] } {
>> +	set oldtimeout [target_info gdb,timeout]
>> +    } else {
>> +	set oldtimeout $timeout
>> +    }
>> +    set timeout [expr $oldtimeout * $factor]
> The "timeout" variable is special.  gdb_test/gdb_test_multiple/expect
> will take into account a local "timeout" variable in the callers
> scope too, not just the global.  So this should be taking that
> into account as well.  The old code didn't need to do that because it
> was code at the global scope.  See the upvars in gdb_expect.  I think
> we should do the same here.  We should probably move
> that "get me highest timeout" bit of code to a shared
> procedure (adjusted to "upvar 2 timeout timeout", most likely).

I don't think I fully understand you...  Why do we need such shared proc
to get timeout?  Isn't simpler to just use "upvar timeout timeout" at
the beginning of with_timeout_factor?  like this:

proc with_timeout_factor { factor body } {
    upvar timeout timeout

and in watch-bitfields.exp proc test_watch_location and
test_regular_watch, use "global timeout"?

Yao (éå)

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