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Re: [RFC PATCH 0/3] Catch syscall group

On Sunday, October 12 2014, Gabriel Krisman Bertazi wrote:

>> I will make comments in the patch itself, but it would be nice if you
>> could do that for the other existing XML files as well.  You didn't
>> mention if you intend to do so or not.
>> I know it will be kind of boring, but unfortunately those XML files are
>> not being really maintained nowadays (a problem I intend to address soon
>> with some patches and proposals), so if you don't touch those files now
>> they will probably be forgotten for quite some time...
>> However, this is just a request, so if you don't have the time to do
>> that now I'd still vote for including this feature on GDB.
>  I intend to do so for other architectures, but forgot to mention in my
> original message.  Still, I won't be able to test on some platforms.

The logic will be implemented in the arch-independent part of the code,
so it is reasonable to test only x86* arches.  But I can test on other
architectures if needed.


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