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Re: [patch] save breakpoints does not save signal catchpoints correctly

Jan Kratochvil <> writes:

> Sorry but be more specific how you wanted to simplify the code.
> Any idea I have is 10x more complicated.
> With the list I have Googled
> 	What is the right way of comparing two lists in TCL?
> and those solutions seem too complicated to me.

I didn't mean to compare two lists.  We only have one list here, and we
can check each element in it, for example,

     set fd [open $filename]
-    set contents [read -nonewline $fd]
+    set file_data [read $fd]
+    set data [split $file_data "\n"]
+    set contents [lindex $data 0]
     close $fd

contents is the first line of the file, and the pattern matching code
can be unchanged.  After that, we can check the second line of the file,
which should be "break main".  The test becomes,

    set fd [open $filename]
    set file_data [read $fd]
    set data [split $file_data "\n"]
    close $fd

    if {$arg == ""} {
	set pattern "catch signal"
    } else {
	set pattern "catch signal $arg"
    # Check the first line.
    gdb_assert {[string match $pattern [lindex $data 0]]} \
	"1st line of save breakpoints for '$arg'"
    # Check the second line.
    gdb_assert {[string match "break main" [lindex $data 1]]} \
	"2nd line of save breakpoints for '$arg'"

This will be more clear and easier to extend when there are more lines in
the file.

Yao (éå)

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