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Re: Why do functions objfpy_new and pspy_new exist?

On Sep 25, 2014, at 6:09 AM, Phil Muldoon <> wrote:

> On 24/09/14 22:38, Doug Evans wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Normally, python wrappers of gdb objects are created with a
>> foo_to_foo_object function.
>> E.g., objfile_to_objfile_object and pspace_to_pspace_object.
>> So why do objfpy_new and pspy_new exist?
>> [defined in py-objfile.c and py-progspace.c respectively]
>> IOW, when would one ever usefully do something with
>> foo_objfile = gdb.Objfile()
>> or
>> foo_pspace = gdb.Progspace()
> I can't think of a reason.  But someone else might.  Anyway the point
> is moot (unfortunately) as we have an API promise, so they get to
> stay.  Forever.

I would usually agree, but I would make an exception if the API function in question does not produce anything that can be used for any plausible purpose.  That may be the case here.


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