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Re: [PATCH v2 11/17] introduce relative_filename and use it

>>>>> "Doug" == Doug Evans <> writes:

Doug> There's also string compare -length.

Doug> Or maybe for some incremental robustness, do the file splits first and
Doug> then compare that?

Ok, I replaced it with this implementation.
Let me know what you think.

proc relative_filename {root full} {
    set root_split [file split $root]
    set full_split [file split $full]

    set len [llength $root_split]

    if {[eval file join $root_split]
	!= [eval file join [lrange $full_split 0 [expr {$len - 1}]]]} {
	error "$full not a subdir of $root"

    return [eval file join [lrange $full_split $len end]]


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