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Re: [PATCH 2/6] Add annex in an async remote notification.

On 09/27/2013 09:44 AM, Yao Qi wrote:
The ordering is the reason we add annex.  As you said, events
with the same basic notification are handled in a FIFO manner.  Events
with Point:created, Point:modified, and Point:deleted should be
processed in a FIFO order, while Trace:status and Trace:foo should be
processed in FIFO too.  When this series was written,  2013 Jan, hui was
proposing "target-defined breakpoint", which requires some asnyc
notifications on breakpoints, so we added annex in V3.

    [PATCH 1/5] Add annex in a async remote notification.

Nowadays, we have few notifications (Stop and Trace) and each of them
are not related.  As more notification added, we'll need annex in the
infrastructure, IMO.

If you think annex is unnecessary, I can remove it and recreate the patches on top of V2.

Yao (éå)

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