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Re: [RFA 1/3] Linespec rewrite: Parsing

On 03/24/2012 06:04 AM, asmwarrior wrote:

[debug]> break
[debug]unmatched quote

This is now an illegal linespec. You do not need to quote this at all. This is one of the motivating factors for doing this rewrite: the quoting is _out of control_. [If you do want to quote it, ONLY quote the filename portion.]

It appears you may be using the patches I submitted to the list. I've committed one or two additional patches for problems I've found to the archer branch, one of which deal specifically with quoting and embedded colons.

I encourage you to try that branch:

(gdb) break E:/code/cb/cb_trunk/src/plugins/codecompletion/parser/token.cpp:64
No source file named E:/code/cb/cb_trunk/src/plugins/codecompletion/parser/token.cpp.

Leaving the quoting in place will force the lookup of the function "E:/.../token.cpp:64", which I'm guessing is not what you really want. :-)

Thank you for giving the patch a whirl!


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