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Re: [patch 5/8] Doc for agent

On 01/23/2012 01:58 PM, Yao Qi wrote:
> In this patch, we create a new chapter for agent, and put "Agent
> Expression" under this chapter.  One section "Control Agent" is added to
> document command in patch 3/8, and the rest of them is from original
> "Agent Expression".

Some things, like the new target-side breakpoint conditions, and tracepoints,
use agent expressions as well, without having an agent loaded in the inferior.
Do you think it still makes sense to move the whole section considering that?
I'm just worried about whether moving everything under the same umbrella is
inducing confusion, since it seems that what you're calling an "agent", is
really an in-process agent.  I really don't know, and I'm just raising it,
in case it wasn't considered.

Pedro Alves

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