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Re: RFC: enum pretty-printing support

Jan> There is the obvious question this may work automatically if all
Jan> the values of enum type are in the form 2^n and fall back to the
Jan> GDB default way otherwise.

Tom> Yeah, that might be nicer.
Tom> I will look into it.

I think the basic code is pretty easy to write.
I have it written, but I can't test it until tomorrow.

I do wonder whether we still want the Python code.

My C implementation works by checking whether the enum values are
disjoint.  However, it is not uncommon to see things like:

 enum flags {
   ONE = 1,
   TWO = 2,


 enum flags {
   ONE = 1,
   TWO = 2,
   ALL = ONE | TWO

... but the Python code would acceptably handle both of these.  This was
ok for the Python approach because registration is explicit, not
implicit; I think the C code has to be a bit more careful because it
cannot readily be turned off.

One idea is to have both.


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