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Re: creating the gdb-7.4 branch tomorrow (?)

> There is a regression for 32-bit targets on Fedora 16:
> FAIL: gdb.cp/ovsrch.exp: break A::outer::foo  (char*)  const if (a == 3)
> FAIL: gdb.cp/ovsrch.exp: break 'A::outer::foo  (char*)  const' if (a == 3)
> FAIL: gdb.cp/ovsrch.exp: break A::outer::foo  (int)  const if (a == 3)
> FAIL: gdb.cp/ovsrch.exp: break 'A::outer::foo  (int)  const' if (a == 3)
> FAIL: gdb.cp/ovsrch.exp: break A::B::inner::foo  (char*)  const if (a == 3)
> FAIL: gdb.cp/ovsrch.exp: break 'A::B::inner::foo  (char*)  const' if (a == 3)
> FAIL: gdb.cp/ovsrch.exp: break A::B::inner::foo  (int)  const if (a == 3)
> FAIL: gdb.cp/ovsrch.exp: break 'A::B::inner::foo  (int)  const' if (a == 3)
> There may be more regressions like for gdb.cp/static-method.exp but they have
> some more difficult reproducibility, I have sent you the full log off-list.

Thanks, Jan. For now, we'll delay the branch, and re-evaluate every day.


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