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Re: [patch][+7.3] Fix physname completion regression

>>>>> "Jan" == Jan Kratochvil <> writes:

Jan> this is because psymtabs (and even .gdb_index) no longer contain
Jan> parameters type information, therefore the bare names creep in.


Jan> By this fix is clear the completion now requires after physname to
Jan> always expand all the CUs involved.  This is in fact even for
Jan> .gdb_index a performance regression against pre-physname
Jan> pre-.gdb_index operation.  Maybe .gdb_index could contain all the
Jan> names with their type information - generated with physname by full
Jan> CUs expansion during .gdb_index generation?  It is questionable
Jan> whether it makes sense to optimize this case, too many items for
Jan> completion offer are not practically useful to the user anyway.

I am not very concerned about it.

However, if it is a problem, it seems to me that maybe we could
differentiate `break klass::method<TAB>' from `break klass::method(<TAB>',
and let the former search just "partial symbols" while the latter
would require CU expansion

Anyway it looks good to me, thanks.


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