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Re: [RFA] add support for disabling individual pretty-printers

>>>>> "Doug" == Doug Evans <> writes:

Doug> As discussed in irc, I'd like to add support for disabling
Doug> individual pretty-printers.  Broken printers do get installed
Doug> and/or the underlying data structures do change with developers
Doug> not always updating the pretty-printer.  When this happens
Doug> the consequences to a user's debugging session can be severe enough
Doug> that IMO we need to do *something*.

I was thinking that we could perhaps automatically disable any printer
that ever throws an exception.

That is pretty drastic though.

Doug> The approach below uses the presence of an "enabled" attribute
Doug> on the lookup function (or callable object!) to control the
Doug> enabling/disabling.

Doug> Ok to check in?

Yes, thanks.


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