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Re: [PATCH] GDB/MI documentation
> Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 18:50:56 +1200
> Cc:
> From: (Nick Roberts)
> > > Here are just a few basic changes that preserve the content.
> >
> > I'm okay with adding nodes, but the rest of the changes don't make the
> > text any clearer than it is already.
> I thought this change was so basic, obvious almost, that approval would be a
> formality.
If you feel strongly about them, go ahead and commit them, but I still
think that the new text is not any clearer or more correct than the
original one.
Anyway, I thought you wanted to suggest some real additions to the
manual. That would be most welcome, thanks.
> - Interaction of a @sc{GDB/MI} frontend with @value{GDBN} involves three
> - parts---commands sent to @value{GDBN}, responses to those commands
> - and notifications.
> + Interaction of a @sc{GDB/MI} frontend with @value{GDBN} involves three
> + parts: commands sent to @value{GDBN}; responses to those commands;
> + and notifications.
> A wide dash (Em dash?) is normally used parenthetically while a semi-colon is
> generally used for a list, often with a colon. The example at
> "She saw three men: Donald, who came from New Zealand; Jon, the milkman's son;
> and George, a gaunt kind of man."
> is almost identical to my change.
No, it isn't: in the example from Wiki, there are commas ("Donald, who
came..."), so using semi-colons disambiguates the intent. In the GDB
manual case, there are no commas to create ambiguity in the first
place, so commas are okay, IMO.
> It's generally considered bad English to use "is" after a plural word.
You are right about this one.
> > > I think it would be quite easy to read GDB/MI General Design and still not
> > > understand the overall purpose of GDB/MI.
> >
> > Feel free to suggest the text you think is missing. I'd welcome any
> > such patches.
> >
> > TIA
> Frankly, the overhead seems too high.
That's because the changes you submitted are insignificant. For real
changes of content, I can assure you that there will be no more
iterations than necessary. You can try looking through submissions by
others and my review of them.