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Re: [RFC] Darwin port (Part 0)

> That's exactly what the blanket assignment means.

Great! So we can start reviewing this code whenever we want, then...

> In fact one of the goals, going back to the overall Darwin open source
> effort, was to enable non-Apple people to contribute code to public
> repositories without being blocked on Apple engineers unavailable due
> to internal deadlines and such. (Yes, it could also be thought of as
> exploiting the community :-) , but now it's working to our advantage.)

I've always seen this as a win-win situation, so I personally have never
had any problem with that. Someone donates contributions in one form and
someone else takes it from there to finish the work. Both parties do less
than they would have otherwise. The thing about "trying to exploit the
community" is that you're never guaranteed that someone will be interested
enough to pick it up, nor that he'll take your contributions in the
direction that you'd like. So there is still strong incentives to do
everything yourself - if you have the resources ;-).


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