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Re: [RFA] Re: [RFC][patch 1/9] initial Python support

On Tue, 2008-07-15 at 13:03 -0600, Tom Tromey wrote:
> >>>>> "Thiago" == Thiago Jung Bauermann <> writes:
> Thiago> Well, my suggestion is to stop using the git repo and move
> Thiago> everything here to the mailing list. After the 1st (initial
> Thiago> python support) and 2nd (export values) patches are accepted
> Thiago> (and they seem to be close), I don't see a reason to keep
> Thiago> working in a separate branch. But if you prefer to continue to
> Thiago> use it, we can think of improvements to the process (like
> Thiago> rebasing to a clean CVS HEAD, for instance).
> I'm a bit reluctant to move purely to working from CVS.  This will
> make it harder for us to work on things in concert, and will require a
> lot of administrative overhead as well.  One thing that has been nice
> about this project, so far, is that we can be fairly experimental and
> we don't have to spend much time waiting... whereas my
> cvs-head-hacking experience has been pretty much the opposite.

Ok, makes sense. We can keep working in the branch.

> Thiago> sure if they are ready to be approved) send you a patches/
> Thiago> directory suitable for use with quilt, and from there each of
> Thiago> us drive his own patches to acceptance (there are one or two
> Thiago> which have both our names in the changelog. We can have a duel
> Thiago> at sunset to decide about those).
> What if we used 'guilt' or 'StGIT' instead?  I have never tried these,
> but they both seem to basically be git+quilt, where the patches can
> easily be shared.  (Am I wrong about this?)

I never used any of those, but from the cursory reading I just had about
them, it seems you are wrong about the "patches can easily be shared"
part. These tools seem designed to keep a private set of patches updated
against some remote branch, not intended to push and pull patches

> This would require anyone working on the git repository to use this
> tool and to be careful about managing the patches.  But, that would
> take the work off you and spread it around -- exactly what we want.

Well, I think we can make some small improvements to the current process
so that the work of keeping the patches should be lighter:

I just updated the patches-base branch to a pristine CVS HEAD from today
(by the way, the git repo was almost pristine already, the problem I had
was with some change from upstream. My bad.), and I rebased the
python-patches branch against it. So the patches are all refreshed to
today's HEAD.

I also resolved some minor differences between the code in the
python-patches and python-revisited branches, which inflicted some
unnecessary merge conflicts. These must have crept in while I was
initially dividing the code in patches. The python-patches and the
python-revisited trees are now exactly equal (as they should have always
been). I didn't push the latter yet because there's a build problem that
I need to sort out...

And to keep things that way, my idea is to update the patches-base
branch from time to time (every two weeks? one month?) and merge it into

I think this will bring down the number of conflicts, which is the
biggest time sink here. (Also keeping the commits focused helps a lot
since then there's rarely the need to break the commit in two or three
parts, but we've been doing that already).
Thiago Jung Bauermann
Software Engineer
IBM Linux Technology Center

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