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Re: [RFA/libiberty] Enhance FILENAME_CMP for Windows filesystems

Is this the right exception?  I think we want the gcc-only version,
like in vsprintf.c.  IIRC this one is for the files that are required
as part of the C++ ABI.

Unless this new file is used as part of the C++ runtime ABI?

>    In addition to the permissions in the GNU General Public License, the
>    Free Software Foundation gives you unlimited permission to link the
>    compiled version of this file into combinations with other programs,
>    and to distribute those combinations without any restriction coming
>    from the use of this file.  (The General Public License restrictions
>    do apply in other respects; for example, they cover modification of
>    the file, and distribution when not linked into a combined
>    executable.)

Also, please include inline documentation for functions.texi.

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