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Re: RFC: Remote "qSupported" features probe

> Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 09:07:28 -0400
> From: Daniel Jacobowitz <>
> Cc:
> > Can you clarify something for me?  If a stub recieves a 'qSupported:foo' 
> > packet, should it still respond with any default information it might have 
> > -- such as the PacketSize response?  Or should such default responses only 
> > be sent for an unadorned qSupported packet?
> qSupported:foo means "I'm GDB, I support the "foo" feature, what do you
> support?".  The stub's response should be independent of the arguments
> in the packet.

Daniel, if Nathan didn't understand this from the text, it's a clear
sign that something like the above should be added to make things more

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