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Re: New branch [was Re: RFC: MI output during program execution]

                                      ref no:

Daniel Jacobowitz writes:
> On Fri, May 12, 2006 at 08:36:44PM +1200, Nick Roberts wrote:
 > > Actually thats quite a lot of data and probably not of general interest.
 > > Shall I just post the ChangeLog?
 > I suppose; I can always grab the branch and diff it myself.

I attach a compressed diff as its not as big as I had thought it would be.

 > > I can't get my head round mergepoints (what happens if someone elso commit
 > > after your tag but before your commit?) but I'll worry about that later.
 > The trick is that you do everything relative to the tags, including
 > merges and other tags - nothing relative to HEAD.
 >   - Create new tag
 >   - Merge changes from last tag to new tag to branch.

Perhaps I'm confusing things a bit.  Maybe mergepoints are just for merging
HEAD to branch.  Is any tagging needed when the branch gets merged to HEAD?
(possibly a bit hypothetical as I realise I may never get that far).


Attachment: async.tgz
Description: Changes for

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