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Re: i18n, part 2

Baurjan Ismagulov wrote:

   /* Add a command to allow the user to force the FPU model.  */
   new_set = add_set_enum_cmd
     ("fpu", no_class, fp_model_strings, &current_fp_model,
-     "Set the floating point type.\n"
-     "auto - Determine the FP typefrom the OS-ABI.\n"
-     "softfpa - Software FP, mixed-endian doubles on little-endian ARMs.\n"
-     "fpa - FPA co-processor (GCC compiled).\n"
-     "softvfp - Software FP with pure-endian doubles.\n"
-     "vfp - VFP co-processor.",
+     _("Set the floating point type.\n\
+auto - Determine the FP typefrom the OS-ABI.\n\
+softfpa - Software FP, mixed-endian doubles on little-endian ARMs.\n\
+fpa - FPA co-processor (GCC compiled).\n\
+softvfp - Software FP with pure-endian doubles.\n\
+vfp - VFP co-processor."),
   set_cmd_sfunc (new_set, set_fp_model_sfunc);
   set_cmd_sfunc (deprecated_add_show_from_set (new_set, &showarmcmdlist),

You might want to consider focusing on these set/show commands, and across all files. They need to be switched to the add_setshow_..._cmd form vis:

   /* Debugging flag.  */
-  add_setshow_boolean_cmd ("arm", class_maintenance, &arm_debug, "\
-Set ARM debugging.", "\
-Show ARM debugging.", "\
-When on, arm-specific debugging is enabled.", "\
-ARM debugging is %s.",
+  add_setshow_boolean_cmd ("arm", class_maintenance, &arm_debug,
+			   _("Set ARM debugging."),
+			   _("Show ARM debugging."),
+			   _("When on, arm-specific debugging is enabled."),
+			   _("ARM debugging is %s."),
 			   NULL, NULL,
 			   &setdebuglist, &showdebuglist);

as the former involves deprecated_add_show_from_set and what that does under the hood is very i18n-unfriendly.

The current add_setshow_.._cmd implementation also has problems (it doesn't yet use the SHOW string) but at least all strings are present and correct.


PS: Also recall my suggestion for adding something like _XXX or _FIXME as a way to mark that a string needs to be fixed on a second pass.

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