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PATCH (gdb/mi)
- From: Nick Roberts <nick at nick dot uklinux dot net>
- To: gdb-patches at sources dot redhat dot com
- Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2003 17:24:51 +0100
- Subject: PATCH (gdb/mi)
With variable objects, the value of array elements and structure members must
be accessed individually (using the MI command -var-evaluate-expression). This
means that a front end can take too long processing a separate MI command for
each element/member. This patch adapts the MI command -var-list-children so
that all the values can be accessed at once allowing the display of an array
or structure to be expanded rapidly (in the style of Insight or Visual
Studio). The existing behaviour of -var-list-children is preserved of backward
2003-10-25 Nick Roberts <>
* mi-cmd-var.c (mi_cmd_var_list_children): Print the values of the
children, if required.
*** mi-cmd-var.c.~1.16.~ 2003-02-02 06:24:04.000000000 +0000
--- mi-cmd-var.c 2003-10-25 17:03:39.000000000 +0100
*** 255,265 ****
struct varobj **childlist;
struct varobj **cc;
struct cleanup *cleanup_children;
! int numchild;
char *type;
! if (argc != 1)
! error ("mi_cmd_var_list_children: Usage: NAME.");
/* Get varobj handle, if a valid var obj name was specified */
var = varobj_get_handle (argv[0]);
--- 255,265 ----
struct varobj **childlist;
struct varobj **cc;
struct cleanup *cleanup_children;
! int numchild, values;
char *type;
! if (argc != 1 && argc != 2)
! error ("mi_cmd_var_list_children: Usage: NAME [PRINT_VALUES]");
/* Get varobj handle, if a valid var obj name was specified */
var = varobj_get_handle (argv[0]);
*** 268,273 ****
--- 268,275 ----
numchild = varobj_list_children (var, &childlist);
ui_out_field_int (uiout, "numchild", numchild);
+ if (argc == 2) values = atoi (argv[1]);
+ else values = 0;
if (numchild <= 0)
return MI_CMD_DONE;
*** 284,289 ****
--- 286,293 ----
ui_out_field_string (uiout, "name", varobj_get_objname (*cc));
ui_out_field_string (uiout, "exp", varobj_get_expression (*cc));
ui_out_field_int (uiout, "numchild", varobj_get_num_children (*cc));
+ if (values)
+ ui_out_field_string (uiout, "value", varobj_get_value (*cc));
type = varobj_get_type (*cc);
/* C++ pseudo-variables (public, private, protected) do not have a type */
if (type)