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[patch] VLIW packing on fr550
- From: Dave Brolley <brolley at redhat dot com>
- To: binutils at sources dot redhat dot com, gdb-patches at sources dot redhat dot com
- Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2003 15:37:11 -0400
- Subject: [patch] VLIW packing on fr550
I've committed teh attached patch which corrects a problem with VLIW
packing strictions for fr550. Specifially
fmuls.p fr0,fr1,fr2
fmuls.p fr3,fr4,fr5
fmovs fr6,fr7
was not being allowed.
2003-10-10 Dave Brolley <>
* frv.cpu (fmovs): Assign to UNIT FMALL.
Index: cpu/frv.cpu
RCS file: /cvs/cvsfiles/devo/cpu/frv.cpu,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -c -p -r1.15 frv.cpu
*** cpu/frv.cpu 10 Oct 2003 15:44:14 -0000 1.15
--- cpu/frv.cpu 10 Oct 2003 18:55:47 -0000
*** 6500,6506 ****
(ne-floating-point-conversion nfstoi OP_79 OPE1_21 fix SI FRj FRintk "NE convert Single to Integer")
(register-transfer fmovs OP_79 OPE1_02
! FRj FRk FM01
((FR500-MAJOR F-1) (FR550-MAJOR F-2) (MACH simple,tomcat,fr500,fr550,frv))
((fr500 (unit u-fr2fr)))
"Move Single Float")
--- 6500,6506 ----
(ne-floating-point-conversion nfstoi OP_79 OPE1_21 fix SI FRj FRintk "NE convert Single to Integer")
(register-transfer fmovs OP_79 OPE1_02
((FR500-MAJOR F-1) (FR550-MAJOR F-2) (MACH simple,tomcat,fr500,fr550,frv))
((fr500 (unit u-fr2fr)))
"Move Single Float")
Index: opcodes/frv-desc.c
RCS file: /cvs/cvsfiles/devo/opcodes/frv-desc.c,v
retrieving revision 1.68
diff -c -p -r1.68 frv-desc.c
*** opcodes/frv-desc.c 10 Oct 2003 15:45:07 -0000 1.68
--- opcodes/frv-desc.c 10 Oct 2003 18:57:37 -0000
*************** static const CGEN_IBASE frv_cgen_insn_ta
*** 5107,5113 ****
/* fmovs$pack $FRj,$FRk */
FRV_INSN_FMOVS, "fmovs", "fmovs", 32,
! { 0, { { { (1<<MACH_SIMPLE)|(1<<MACH_TOMCAT)|(1<<MACH_FR500)|(1<<MACH_FR550)|(1<<MACH_FRV), 0 } }, { { UNIT_FM01, 0 } }, { { FR400_MAJOR_NONE, 0 } }, { { FR500_MAJOR_F_1, 0 } }, { { FR550_MAJOR_F_2, 0 } } } }
/* fmovd$pack $FRdoublej,$FRdoublek */
--- 5107,5113 ----
/* fmovs$pack $FRj,$FRk */
FRV_INSN_FMOVS, "fmovs", "fmovs", 32,
! { 0, { { { (1<<MACH_SIMPLE)|(1<<MACH_TOMCAT)|(1<<MACH_FR500)|(1<<MACH_FR550)|(1<<MACH_FRV), 0 } }, { { UNIT_FMALL, 0 } }, { { FR400_MAJOR_NONE, 0 } }, { { FR500_MAJOR_F_1, 0 } }, { { FR550_MAJOR_F_2, 0 } } } }
/* fmovd$pack $FRdoublej,$FRdoublek */