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[ob] dummy-frame.c, fix typo
- From: Michael Snyder <msnyder at redhat dot com>
- To: gdb-patches at sources dot redhat dot com
- Date: Thu, 09 Oct 2003 17:29:10 -0700
- Subject: [ob] dummy-frame.c, fix typo
- Organization: Red Hat, Inc.
2003-10-09 Michael Snyder <>
* dummy-frame.c: Fix typo.
Index: dummy-frame.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/src/gdb/dummy-frame.c,v
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -p -r1.26 dummy-frame.c
*** dummy-frame.c 16 Jul 2003 22:29:13 -0000 1.26
--- dummy-frame.c 10 Oct 2003 00:27:37 -0000
*************** dummy_frame_this_id (struct frame_info *
*** 387,393 ****
! /* Outch! We're not trying to find the innermost frame's ID yet
we're trying to unwind to a dummy. The architecture must
provide the unwind_dummy_id() method. Abandon the unwind
process but only after first warning the user. */
--- 387,393 ----
! /* Ouch! We're not trying to find the innermost frame's ID yet
we're trying to unwind to a dummy. The architecture must
provide the unwind_dummy_id() method. Abandon the unwind
process but only after first warning the user. */