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Re: [RFA] Function return type checking

>> Is this feature intended for C or ObjectiveC developers?

> I'd intend for this to be used by everyone. We specifically added it in response to bug reports from people making heavy use of the system math libraries; as well as from Cocoa (Objective-C) developers making heavy use of functions returning NSRect objects. The reason it's of interest to me in preparing the Objective-C patches is that much of the Objective-C GDB code makes use of being able to pass 'expected_type' arguments to the modified functions, and I'd rather not have to re-architect all those calls before submitting the patches.

So there are two reasons for the change?  The infrastructure you need 
for objective C and a user visible interface change.  Can you expand a 
little on the objective C problems.  If objective C has good reason for 
this infrastructure than I can't see why that part shouldn't go in.


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