This is the mail archive of the
mailing list for the GDB project.
GDB assignments/disclaimers
- To: gdb-patches at sourceware dot cygnus dot com
- Subject: GDB assignments/disclaimers
- From: assignments <assign at gnu dot org>
- Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2000 15:50:03 -0400
The following disclaimers and/or assignments concerning GDB
have recently been added to the file copyright.list here at the
Free Software Foundation. If you have any questions or corrections,
please send them to my general work address,
Brian Youmans
Assignments Clerk
GDB Mitchell P. Lichtenberg, Jr. US 1964 2000-07-26
Assigns past and future changes.
ANY BINUTILS GCC GDB Sibyte, Inc. 2000-07-26
Disclaims changes to free software by Mitchell P. Lichtenberg, Jr., in the past
and for the next 2 years.
(Leo Joseph)
GDB Kevin Walker US 1964 2000-07-26
Assigns past and future changes.
ANY BINUTILS GCC GDB Sibyte, Inc. 2000-07-26
Disclaims changes to free software by Kevin Walker, in the past
and for the next 2 years.
(Leo Joseph)
GDB David B. Anderson US 1942 2000-07-28
Assigns past and future changes.
GDB Marc Espie France 1967 2000-06-27
Assigns past and future changes (OpenBSD support).,