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Check null pointer in DisassemblyWindow

There are some null pointer exceptions when I open DisassemblyWindow,
and I code a small patch to fix this problem.  I am not good at these
classes in java-gnome, so I am not sure this patch could fix all npe
or not in DisassemblyWindow.

2006-09-20  Yao Qi  <>

        * disassembler/ Check null pointer
        before use it.

After this patch applied, no npe any more, but I am still confused
that the output in disassembly window are *almost* "nop".  I suspect that
the output in DisassemblyWindow is not right, and additional test case
for disassembly is needed.

Check it in.

Yao Qi

Attachment: DisasmWindow.patch
Description: Text document

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