I was playing with adding (low-level) breakpoint support to Tasks and
came up with the following setup. We add a BreakpointAddresses class
which keeps track of the actual breakpoints needed (one address can have
multiple observers). The Task uses this BreakpointAddresses class to
notify the observers when it traps a breakpoint. The BreakpointAddresses
class interacts with the Task to actually set and remove the breakpoints
when needed, and tells the Task when it needs to start or when it can
stop tracing breakpoints (because none are left). When a breakpoint is
added or removed in a state that doesn't immediately allow
setting/removing a breakpoint (normally that can only be done when the
Task is in an suspended state) then the BreakpointAddresses class lets
the Task know it has updates of the breakpoints list and gets called by
the Task as soon as it enters a TaskState that allows addition/removal
of breakpoints. An draft of the BreakpointAddresses class and the
methods it uses is attached.
Some open questions on which I hope to get answers when implementing the
rest (or maybe someone already has ideas on these):
- What is the precise thread model used? The data-structures of this
class are thread safe, but that might be overkill if observers are
always added from the same thread.