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Re: Way to disable relocations being performed

> For me it is not relevant at all, I just need the type definitions and
> function parameter list, variable name/type, etc. Only in very specific
> cases I want addresses, and even then no need for relocations in most
> cases.

If you are dealing with an ET_REL file on an SHT_RELA architecture, then
you need relocation of the pointers inside and between the different DWARF
sections.  In short, you can't handle an ET_REL file at all without doing
some kind of relocation.

> I'll look at the dwfl internals to figure out where is that it ends up using
> dwfl_linux_kernel_ prefixed routines...

Well, just set a breakpoint and look at the backtrace from your code.
The only implicit calls to any such things in libdwfl come from the argp
callbacks for -k/-K options.


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