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Re: New test for elf_flag{data,ehdr,elf,phdr}

On 05/09/2011 01:20 PM, Mark Wielaard wrote:
> I have to agree with roland, that this doesn't really test that much,
> except if you can flip the bits. 

Yep, that is true, I've already thrown it away.  I just didn't know
how else/better can this be tested.

> How are you measuring coverage?

Using the lcov.  Here's what I do:

$ ./configure --enable-gcov
$ make -j4 check
$ lcov --directory . --capture --output-file
$ genhtml
$ firefox index.html

Here's how the result looks like (current git):

Which reminds me, do you (or anyone) please have a suggestion what should I test

libebl isn't stable, libelf is quite well-covered, and in libdw the most
important functions are also covered already.  Maybe the libdwfl could use some
additional test, for instance core_file.c or link_map.c.  But I'm not sure
if it is even worth it.  Is it?

> Shouldn't these functions be exercised by some the the unstrip tests?

I don't know.  elf_flag{data,ehdr,elf,phdr} are used in update{2,3,4}.c,
but the coverage is only ~40%.  Well, it is probably fine as it is.


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