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Re: [PATCH 3/4] Optionally allow unknown symbols in the backtrace tests

Thanks for pointing out the issues. I will track down the white space problem.

I could reconstruct it from that pastebin. But it was a bit of a
struggle, some parts didn't apply as is because tabs seemed to be turned
into spaces. I tried to repost it to the list. But the first time it was
bounced as "spam" and the second time after removing the git-bin-diffs
sourceware seemed to accept it, but then it never showed up on the list.
(See below for the logs on my end.)

I have the same frame pointer unwinding fallbacks for arm and arm64 in the elfutils bundled with perfparser. I just need to write test cases for them, then I will post them, too. So, it's probably a good idea to either have the mailing list accept patches with inline binaries or allow some other channel of patch submission.


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