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Re: Re: pbuf_alloc failures with LwIP


With the latest (CVS) version of lwIP, you need to initialize the stack:

- For multi-threaded support, call lwip_sequential_init().

- Form single-threaded support, call lwip_simple_init()

These calls are defined in lwip.h. The former will start the tcpip and eth threads.

I strongly recommend that you read packages/net/lwip_tcpip/current/doc/rawapi.txt. It is very important to understand which APIs you can/cannot call from outside of the tcpip thread.



On 17/06/2012 15:36, Elad Yosef wrote:
Hi all,
The good news:
I have managed to build new image with the new packages specified.
The bad news:
I can't see the TCP + ETH threads in the threads list and fails to ping.

Can anyone guide me how to bring-up the LwIP properly?


On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 12:12 PM, John Dallaway <> wrote:
Hi Elad

On 17/06/12 07:28, Elad Yosef wrote:

I'm using multiple threads in my application.
The SYS_ARCH_PROTECT is not enabled at all.
How do I  enable it?
Is it enabled in the current CVS version?
Does the current LwIP in CVS is compatible with ecos-3.0? In yes I
would consider upgrading LwIP package only
You should be able to use lwIP 1.3.2 from eCos CVS with your eCos 3.0
release repository just by copying packages/io/eth/current/ and
packages/net/lwip_tcpip/current/ into your eCos 3.0 repository. Any
_new_ eCos configurations will then use the "current" versions of these
packages rather than the "v3_0" versions. Any _previous_ eCos
configurations will continue to use the "v3_0" packages.

I hope this helps...

John Dallaway
eCos maintainer

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