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Re: Create a thread (uitron)

LONY David wrote:
Hi all,

I'm trying to create a thread in eCos (uitron interface) but it does not work. I'm new to eCos and uITRON, so I take a exemple and I'm try to customize it...
Here it my program :

#include <cyg/compat/uitron/uit_func.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void task2(unsigned int a)

printf("In function test()\n");


int main() {

 ID tid = 2;
 T_CTSK thread_attr;
 int retval;

printf("In main\n");

 thread_attr.stksz = CYGNUM_UITRON_STACK_SIZE;
 thread_attr.task = (FP)&task2;

retval = cre_tsk(tid, &thread_attr);

 if(retval != E_OK)
     printf("Error %d !!!\n",retval);
     printf(" Good! \n");

return 0;


When I'm trying to debug it, I always obtain an error. Someone can help me?
PS : Number of task is set to 4 and the number of task which start is set to 1.
I also modify the option Static Initializers to CYG_UIT_TASK_NOEXS for task 2,3 and 4

Do you have some compelling reason to use uItron? There are few, if any, eCos maintainers that know much about this anymore.

I'd suggest that you look at a more modern (and certainly
more supported) API such as POSIX.

Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
MLB Associates              |    Embedded world

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