On Mon, Apr 02, 2007 at 05:30:23PM +0300, HASAN H?SEYIN YILMAZ wrote:
> Hi All
> I was working on redboot tried to run it on imx31 litekit. I
> successfully run redboot on imx31litekit I would like to share my
> work. my work was built on top of freescale's latest redboot release.
> this is ecos base ecos_20050912.tar.gz
> freescale's patch for basic support patch-redboot-200650-base
> freescale's patch for ads support patch-redboot-200650-mx31
Please could you give me a reference to these patches.
Since freescale has not contributed these patches we cannot include
your patches into the public eCos tree. However your work will be in
the email archive were other people can access it if they want.