Hello. Vamshi.
I'm a one of user in japan.
in <Pine.LNX.4.61.0506241710050.5855@mars.cse.iitb.ac.in>
"Re: [ECOS]: Is eCos Hard Real Time OS ??"
"R Vamshi Krishna <vamshi@cse.iitb.ac.in>" wrote
Then what parts do I re-write to make it hard-real time ?
Because I want to use eCos but also I need a hard reak-time
Choose eCos is better idea, and fast enough for realtime application.
I don't know how hard real-time you need in your system.
Where or what is a border about hard vs soft real-time.
In my experience, someone force very hard response to OS, it's a bad design
about elements (threads, messaging, mutex..) or whole system. In such system,
may crash cause critical design.
Let's try to use current eCos, just as it is.