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redboot for excalibur
- From: Sam O <wintty at gmail dot com>
- To: ecos-discuss at sources dot redhat dot com
- Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2005 18:23:51 +0900
- Subject: [ECOS] redboot for excalibur
- Reply-to: Sam O <wintty at gmail dot com>
i am a redboot beginer.
i have tried to port redboot to excalibur board, epxa1 and epxa10
i have both epxa1, epxa10. it is produced by huins company,
i read ecos_discuss pages And downloaded the image files from
but, i can't see any prompt from hyperterminal.
first i build redboot.hex using ecos comfiguration tool, but i failed
second i downloaded image file from also, i failed
i failed both using epxa1, epxa10
could you help me?
thank you for your reading.
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