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Re: How can I build a System, that enables firmware downlo ad for customers?

On Fri, Feb 20, 2004 at 11:43:14AM +0100, Winkler Andreas wrote:
> Hi,
> > just reboot linux yourself whenever you want. Assuming you 
> > set RedBoot up 
> > with a boot script to automatically load linux from the relevant FIS 
> > partition, then it all just works.
> Assumed there is a failure in the FIS partition, which is pointed to by the
> boot script.
> Or assumed this linux produces an error while starting.
> How can I set up a backup strategie to load an elder linux, that had been
> working before?

Enable redboots CRC checking. The boot script will first copy the
image from flash to ram and then do a go. In normal cases Linux then
completely takes over and redboot is dead. But if the CRC is wrong,
the copy fails and the go will also fail. You can then make your boot
script copy a second image and then execute it. 

The hard bit here is getting the CRC check value in the correct place
if you upgrade your image from Linux. I don't know where it is
stored. You need to read the redboot sources. If its tagged onto the
end of the image it should be OK. If its stored inside the FIS
directory it will be a bit more difficult since you will need to be
able to modify that to insert the new value.


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