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Re: Re: mutexes again

So I wrote a class for it. In the constructor of the class the mutex
is being initiated (this option can be disabled and later intiated).
My question is:
Are theire performance or other disadvantages to do this so?
An advantage is the implimentation of the cyg_mutex_status() which
returns the status of a mutex and the cyg_mutex_testunlock()

If you mean having an explicit initialization: it is rather hard to design a mutex implementation in which all fields zero is a valid initial state. Mutexes embedded in dynamically allocated data structures could have totally random values. So there is no real option but to expect a mutex to have been initialized before use.

Ok, I think I get that. But what I ment is inside the class constructor, calling the function cyg_mutex_init().

something like this:

class ClMutex{
	cyg_mutex_t MyMutexVar;

// constructor:
	ClMutex() { cyg_mutex_init(&MyMutexVar); }



I am not up to a brand new mutex implementation but just simplify the use of it. ;-)

Ronald Tubben
Mauell BV

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